
I did it but to no avail. I'm using wamp.

I removed the comment that line: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

I observed the following lines:

<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
#    Order deny,allow
#    Deny from all

Continues to show the error. What can I do?

On Jun 8, 8:21 am, saidbakr <said....@gmail.com> wrote:
> So it is a bug in home.ctp and cake.generic.css and it could be solved
> as follows:
> add an id tag to the div that includes therewritingerror, the tag
> will take the value : id="url-rewriting-warning". then in
> cake.generic.css at the end of it add the following rule:
> #url-rewriting-warning{
> display: none;
> }
> so if rewrite is going fine, it will load the css file anf hence the
> error message willnotbe displayed.
> On Jun 6, 11:59 pm, majna <majna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You need to update webroot/css/cake.generic.css
> > used byURLrewritingcheck
> > #url-rewriting-warning {
> >         display: none;
> > }
> >https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/1.3/app/webroot/css/cake.gene...
> > On Jun 6, 4:03 pm, Ryan Olton <olt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Sounds likeyourconfig isn't checkable somehow by the new 'check for
> > > >urlrewriting' validation - work out why and file a bug report :)
> > > It appears that in the default home.ctp page there is this block of
> > > code just hanging out without any conditional code in place to show or
> > > hide this text ... in other words, you see in to matter what:
> > > <div id="url-rewriting-warning" style="background-color:#e32;
> > > color:#fff; padding:3px; margin: 20px 0">
> > >         <?php __('URLrewritingisnotproperlyconfiguredonyourserver.
> > > '); ?>
> > >         <ol style="padding-left:20px">
> > >                 <li>
> > >                         <a target="_blank" 
> > > href="http://book.cakephp.org/view/917/Apache-
> > > and-mod_rewrite-and-htaccess" style="color:#fff;">
> > >                                 <?php __('Help me configure it')?>
> > >                         </a>
> > >                 </li>
> > >                 <li>
> > >                         <a target="_blank" 
> > > href="http://book.cakephp.org/view/931/CakePHP-
> > > Core-Configuration-Variables" style="color:#fff;">
> > >                                 <?php __('I don\'t / can\'t 
> > > useURLrewriting')?>
> > >                         </a>
> > >                 </li>
> > >         </ol>
> > > </div>

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