Using AppModel constructor works for me:

function __construct($id = null, $table = null, $ds = null)
        parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
        if (!defined('GLOBAL_ZONE_SET') && $this->useTable !== false)
            $this->execute("SET GLOBAL time_zone = ‘+2:00′'");
            define('GLOBAL_ZONE_SET', true);

On Jul 4, 4:31 pm, ark0n3 <> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I'm going crazy for such a trivial matter. I need to run a one-time
> query at the beginning of the connection to the mysql server (SET
> GLOBAL time_zone = ‘+2:00′) but can't figure out where I need to put
> the code in the cake codebase.
> Many thanks in advance to whoever will help me fix this.
> ps i already tried in the contructor of app_model.php but got not luck
> with cake 1.2.10

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