Hi castarco,

Just to get this straight --> You got one User Model, that will be
build for every registered user. One User then belongs to either one
Student or one Company?

There are probably a lot of better attempts at doing this, but I would
do the following:
Build a method in your User Model, that is invoked in your after save
callback to either build a Student or Company Object and transfer the
id of your User to the invoked one.
The register method then would be implemented in your User Controller.

To display different register forms, you could load different elements
for each of your specialized User.

Kind regards,

On 5 Jul., 11:13, castarco <casta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm programming an application that have many types of users (such as
> Students and Companies), the case is that the register forms should be
> different for the different types of users...
> I have the Users, Students and Companies controllers... and my
> question is, wich is the better place to create a register method? In
> the User controller, or in the more speciallized Students and
> Companies Controllers? (there is no inheritance, I'm using Acl to
> stablish group permissions).
> Thanks in advance.

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