Hi people

When I use cakephp i18n, I must wite the sentences as 

<?php __('Una cadena'); ?>
<?php $this->Form->input('name', array(__('Un nombre', true))); ?>

Then, I must do the next lines for extract the tranlate words

$ cake i18n

Now, I am working with a template engine, dwoo, the main idea is avoid
using "<?php ?>" on views. For get this functionality on my views, I
have create a helper

class I18nHelper extends AppHelper {

    function get_text($string, $flag = FALSE) {
        return $string;


And the sentences will be on this way, using teh helper

{$i18n->get_text('Una Cadena')}
{$form->input('name', array($i18n->get_text('Un Nombre')))}

Also I have edit the file


fo adding the line

$this->__parse('get_text', array('singular'));

on the method

function _extractTokens() // lĂ­nea 220

and then, after do

$ cake i18n

I couldnt get anythingf of my tranlated lines. I have notiec that the
extract.php file use the php funciotn "tokens_get_all", then I can
supouse that my dwoo tags "{}" are not readed by this funcions and my
i18n wont work.

My question is find a solution to this issue and get the best way for
work with i18n using "{}" instead of "<?php ?>"



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  • i18n Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto

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