Please refer to FB API for this issue.
There is an onlogin property that calls JS iirc.

I tried to do this myself but I couldnt get it to work well enough.
the button was giving compatibility problems in IE.

I solved this issue by using cURL to access the Graph API and
writing most of the things on my own.

On Jul 8, 6:57 am, Prabha Vathi <> wrote:
> How to implement Cakephp and Facebook Connect.?
> <fb:login-button v="2" perms="email,user_birthday"
> autologoutlink="true"><fb:intl>Facebook Login</fb:intl></fb:login-button>
> Where should i write functions when user click this?
> Email, and password are the login fields.
> Got facebook_num to store facebook id

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