this could be some browser cache issue
there is a controller method called disableCache()
this this one.
it will set the appropriate headers!

On 11 Jul., 11:38, Michael Christoff <>
> I was wondering whether the issue below had ever been solved...
> Basically the problem is that in my layout (default.ctp), my flash
> messages are not being displayed.
> Specifically:
> Case 1
> ----------------
> 1.
> In MyController.view1
> I use setFlash and redirect to /my/view2
> 2.
> Page redirects
> 3.
> No flash message displays in the layout
> 4.
> I switch to ANY view of MyController and no flash message displays
> ------------------
> Case 2
> 1. In MyController.view1
> I use setFlash and redirect to /my/view2
> 2.
> Page redirects
> 3.
> No flash message displays in the layout
> 4.
> I switch to ANY view of a controller != MyController and * the flash
> message DISPLAYS *
>    << it essentially gets delayed by one page >>
> ------------
> Case 3
> 1. In MyController.view1
> I use setFlash and redirect to /**other**/view2
> (note the *'s are just to highlight I'm switching to a different
> controller's view, namely OtherController)
> 2.
> Page redirects
> 3.
> Flash message DISPLAYS in the layout
> ------------------
> As Joel Stein mentions in his post (linked above) this only is a
> problem for flash messages in the layout, not the view. ALSO:
> <cake:nocache>
>     <?= $session->flash() ?>
> </cake:nocache>
> does not work,
> <!-- <cake:nocache> -->
>     <?= $session->flash() ?>
> <!-- </cake:nocache> -->
> does not work.
> I have also tried deleting the Cake cache but this does not work.
> I do not want to turn off all page caching...
> Is there any way to make cake explicitly *not* cache the layout if it
> knows it there is a flash message waiting in the session?
> Thanks for any help.
> -mike
> I have searched the web and seen this question come up many times and
> never answered

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