Hi folks,

I am exporting data to xls file. All the data is coming, but only
image or logo is not exporting to the xls file. Here is the code that
I have used.

1 ) function campaignxls($campaignId = '0') {

2)         $this->layout = 'export_xls';

3)          -- data manipulation ------

4)        $this->set('campaignMediadetails', $finalarray);

5)        $this->render('campaignxls','export_xls');

6) }

Here if I comment line no 2 and 5 then I am able to display the o/p on
the browser inspite in an excel sheet. On commenting these 2 lines I
am getting the logo also. But when I export it to xls file then only

in the ctp file I am printing it as below
$data .= "<table>

        <div STYLE="OVERFLOW-X:auto;OVERFLOW-Y:auto;height:100%;width:
1070px; border:0px solid #cccccc">

        <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
                <img src='$logo1' />

    <td colspan='8' align='center'>
        <font face='Verdana' color='#000000' size='4'>
            <b>Campaign Details<br>

        <img src='$logo2' />
$logo1 = 'http://localhost/mvc_1_3/themed/default/img/logo.gif';

Help me to solve this issue


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