im using this php reader to retrieving data from xls sheet and its
works well the xls sheet having 150 records. its limited to 20 records
per page to show on result page .there is a search box and button to
search some specific data , the search parameter giving the result
from first page result only. i can't get result from full excel sheet.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

i need the reader to search whole xls sheet and give me result, but
this one giving me from first 20 records only.

Please provide any additional information below.
i dont understan whats wrong here, y can't search full records on xls
sheet. im expecting some ones help to solve my problem. plz see the
attach file below for code


if ($_GET['page']!="")

echo 'TABLE


                        //echo "<br/> searchparameter = ". $searchparameter ." 
data2 ".
$data2 ;
                        if((($page-1)*$rows)<=$i && $i<($page*$rows))

                                if((stristr($data2,$searchparameter) ||
stristr($data3,$searchparameter)|| stristr($data4,$searchparameter))||
echo 'TABLE



        if ($i == $page)

                echo $i;

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