hi Prabha...

Am Freitag, den 12.08.2011, 03:19 -0700 schrieb Prabha vathi:

> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-php-fwk5/?ca=.
> I used the above link to learn, how to do cron. But I don't understand
> the below line
> /column/protected/cakephp/cake/console/cake prune
> -app /column/protected/cakephp/app/
> How to change this to create cron in my shared server? I have option
> to add crons.

$ crontab -e 

and paste the following line:

@hourly <path_to_your_cake>/cake/console/cake prune -app

replace <path_to_your_cake> accordingly and the script will be executed
every hour. if you need more info about how to control execution times:

$ man 5 crontab


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