I have an input field in a form called transaction_amount and a select field 
called transaction_type and a select field called tenant. What I would like 
to do is populate the transaction_amount field with the most recent 
transaction entry (transaction_date) for the selected tenant where the 
transaction_type = 1 or transaction_type = 2. In this scenario, I want the 
transaction_amount to be repopulated each time the tenant is changed and 
each time the transaction_type is changed between 1 and 2.

Form View:
<tr><th><?php __('Tenant');?></th><td><?php echo 
<tr><th><?php __('Transaction Type');?></th><td><?php echo 
<tr><th><?php __('Transaction Date');?></th><td><?php echo 
<tr><th><?php __('Amount');?></th><td><?php echo 

In the transaction controller, I have a function to find the transaction 

function getAmount()
  $tenant_id = $this->data['Transaction']['tenant_id'];
  $transaction_type = $this->data['Transaction']['transaction_type'];
  $result = $this->Transaction->query("select transaction_amount from 
transactions WHERE transaction_date = 
  (SELECT MAX(transaction_date) FROM transactions WHERE tenant_id = 
\"$tenant_id\" and transaction_type = $transaction_type)"); 

Is this the right way to approach this problem? All of the examples on the 
internet assume I am populating a select box. Any help would be appreciated.

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