I saw that AFTER it hit the mailing list. it was not intended to hijack someones thread.

Am 17.08.2011 11:38, schrieb WebbedIT:

You have posted your query into someone elses thread.  I suggest you
start your own thread if you want people to find it and offer help.

HTH, Paul.

On Aug 15, 4:05 pm, Anja Liebermann<anja.lieberm...@platinnetz.de>

I have inherited a big application based on cake 1.2. The search works
via named parameters in the URL because the search form is  placed in
the layout header *ouch* and works for more than one model.

So the search parameter is passed 

this is passed through a huge routes.php file:

    // Group Overview (with searchword)
        'controller' =>  'groups',
        'action' =>  'index'
        'search' =>  '[^/?&:]+'

Since it is a German page with all those nasty umlauts I already
intervene via JavaScript in the search form and encode "K�ln" to
"K%C3%B6ln" which I successfully catch in the controller via

                 $suche = explode(':',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
                 if(isset($suche[1])&&  isset($this->params['search'])){
                         $suchbegriffe = explode(':',$suche[1]);
                         $suchbegriff = explode('/',$suchbegriffe[0]);
                         $search = urldecode($suchbegriff[0]);
So now "K%C3%B6ln" is back to "K�ln". and my search works just fine
until I get more than one page of results. And woe is me!

What I try now is
in the controller:
$urlsearch = urlencode(trim($search));
                 $urloption =                    array(
                                 'controller' =>  'groups',
                                 'action' =>  $this->action,
                 $paginator_params = array(
                         'pass' =>  $urloption,
and in the view (in an element):

    'url' =>

latter containing my array:
url array(
      controller =>  groups
      action =>  index
      0 =>  suche:K%C3%B6ln

But the url of the paging numbers still results in
K�ln again with "�" causing my paging to break.

Where have I missed to pass on my encoded parameters?

Thanks for any advice


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