the afterFind method is not just called by the pagination but by every find I do on this model.

Ad I wanted to add the check IN the afterFind method not before or after, but it looks like this is not possible. Well I add it to the controller methods where necessary, I just hope I could budle them at one place.

Anja (aka acl68)

Am 22.08.2011 17:26, schrieb Thomas Ploch:
Well, the default findQueryType for Controller::paginate() is 'all'.
Unless you set a different type in the paginate options array, you
should get 'all' as the findQueryType. If you want to set a different
findType to paginate, use:

$this->paginate[0] = 'yourCustomFindType'; // or
$this->paginate['ModelAlias'][0] = 'yourCustomFindType';


Am 22.08.2011 17:03, schrieb Anja Liebermann:
I use the pagination, but there is quite a weird condition in the query:

Here is the query going to the database:

SELECT `Article`.`id`, `Article`.`author_id`, `Article`.`cat_id`,
`Article`.`last_comment_id`, `Article`.`title`, `Article`.`teaser`,
`Article`.`created`, `Article`.`published`,
`Article`.`numeric_visibility`, `Article`.`like_count`,
`Article`.`comments_count`, `Article`.`visitations_count`,
`Article`.`hidden`, `Article`.`flag_top`, `LastComment`.`user_id`,
FROM `articles` AS `Article`
LEFT JOIN `users` AS `ArticleAuthor` ON (`Article`.`author_id` =
LEFT JOIN `comments` AS `LastComment` ON (`Article`.`last_comment_id`
= `LastComment`.`id`)
`Article`.`numeric_visibility` >= 3
AND MATCH(`Article`.`title`, `Article`.`teaser`, `Article`.`body`,
`Article`.`denormalized_tags`) AGAINST('"ocean"' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
AND `Article`.`hidden` = 0
AND `Article`.`deleted` = 0
AND `Article`.`published` > 0
ORDER BY `Article`.`updated` DESC LIMIT 8

The part with the "match" is added in a special method
$cond = $this->_getSearchConditions($search);
$cond is an array, to which other conditions are added before it goes
via beforeFind and afterFind to the view as a paginated result.


Am 22.08.2011 16:45, schrieb Thomas Ploch:
Woops, actually Model::findQueryType is __not__ reset before afterFind()
is triggered. You should normally be able to check for
Model::findQueryType in the afterFind() Callback.

Are you using custom find types?


Am 22.08.2011 16:33, schrieb Anja Liebermann:
did that. It is always NULL :(


Am 22.08.2011 16:25, schrieb Thomas Ploch:
Look at Model::findQueryType :-)

Am 22.08.2011 15:56, schrieb Anja Liebermann:


is there a possibility to know which query type ( first, all, count
etc...) was used, when I call afterFind()?

Depending on the query Type I would like to make different checks.

If it is not possible, then I have to do it in the controller in
several actions.

As always: Thanks in advance for any hints!


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