
For most things it is better to have the data the way it is returned.
I would encourage you to work within the framework and not against it.
That said, maybe you have some logic that is legacy like I do.  I am
porting a clumsy mess of code into Cake but it cannot be done all at
once.  I have old methods that want the data in a flat associative
array as you describe.  In my AppModel class I put:

   * Totally flatten an array.
  function & array_flatten(&$array) {
    if (is_array($array)) {
      $newarray = array();
      foreach ($array as $k=>$v) {
        if (is_array($v)) {
          $newarray += $this->array_flatten($v);
        } else
          $newarray[$k] = $v;
      return $newarray;
    return $array;

Then to use:

$newarray = array();
foreach ($results as $v) {
  $newarray[] = $this->User->array_flatten($v);


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