Sorry, didn't read your post all the way through. DOH! (but my advice
still stands on model-ising your join table)

I recently developed an e-commerce app where I was adding and removing
a lot of form rows for product images/attributes etc and I never
thought of using clone (fairly new to jQuery).  I guess that would
work quite nicely once you work out how to step through the cloned
fields and modify their array numbers accordingly.

My short answer is I do not have a behaviour (something I should
eventually get my head around).

In my app I relied on ajax requests which pulled the form fields out
of an element.  This way I could apply some logic in the controller
action if needed to, i.e. limiting the options found based on values
already selected.

I had a hidden form field which counted the number of related rows in
the form and when clicking on a button to add another row I
incremented this number and passed it through with my ajax request so
my data array would never have conflicting keys.

HTH, Paul.

On Aug 29, 9:17 am, WebbedIT <> wrote:
> As soon as you want extra fields in the join table you should be model-
> ising that table.
> - Recipe hasMany ItemRecipe
> - Item hasMany ItemRecipe
> - ItemRecipe belongsTo Recipe and Item
> This way you can easily work with the extra fields in your join table
> and run finds/paginates on it too.
> On Aug 28, 7:51 pm, Mondo <> wrote:
> > I have a Recipe, Item, and Units table/model. I have a HABTM
> > relationship with Recipe and Item, and I get the default multiple-
> > select box when adding/editing Recipe. (am using Bake for everything
> > for the most part). The problem is I need to associate quantities and
> > units with each Item.
> > Sample of UI I'm hoping for:
> > A big component of it is the ability to add/delete/edit the individual
> > items. I imagine looking at the submitted form data, and using some
> > jquery and clone would work. But I was wondering if someone already
> > created a Behavior perhaps for this already?
> > Current Models (shortened to the relevant stuff, ie removed users/
> > notes/etc):
> > class Item extends AppModel {
> >     var $name = 'Item';
> > // id : int
> > // name : varchar
> > // unit_id : int
> >     var $belongsTo = array(
> >         'Unit' => array(
> >             'className' => 'Unit',
> >             'foreignKey' => 'unit_id'
> >         ),
> >     );
> >     var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
> >         'Recipe' => array(
> >             'className' => 'Recipe',
> >             'joinTable' => 'recipes_items',
> >             'foreignKey' => 'item_id',
> >             'associationForeignKey' => 'recipe_id',
> >         )
> >     );}
> > .
> > class Recipe extends AppModel {
> >         var $name = 'recipe';
> >         var $displayField = "name";
> > // id : int
> > // name : varchar
> >         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
> >             'Item' => array(
> >                 'className' => 'Item',
> >                 'joinTable' => 'recipes_items',
> >                 'foreignKey' => 'recipe_id',
> >                 'associationForeignKey' => 'item_id',
> >             )
> >         );
> >     }
> > .
> > class RecipesItem extends AppModel {
> >     var $name = 'RecipesItem';
> > // id : int
> > // quantity : int
> > // unit_id : int
> > // recipe_id : int
> > // item_id : int
> >     var $belongsTo = array(
> >         'Unit' => array(
> >             'className' => 'Unit',
> >             'foreignKey' => 'unit_id'
> >         ),
> >         'Recipe' => array(
> >             'className' => 'Recipe',
> >             'foreignKey' => 'recipe_id'
> >         ),
> >         'Item' => array(
> >             'className' => 'Item',
> >             'foreignKey' => 'item_id'
> >         )
> >     );
> > }

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