I am trying to make a very simple link up between an android app 
(appinventor) and a standard cake app.  I have created the blog tutorial and 
it all works great.  I can make my app link to another web site with a URL 
and return XML (a simple API request) so I know it works, I just want to do 
the same with cake.

I can't work out the syntax of a the POST to send with appinventor, but I 
can make the 'add' form use GET with 

*echo $this->Form->create('Post', array('type' => 'get'));*

When I use this form I see the correct parameters in the URL, but *
$this->data* appears empty and nothing is saved - the add page just comes 
straight back.

I have scoured this group, the Bakery and the internet for an hour now and 
am demoralised. I know it must be something simple in the *
posts_controller.php* but I can't find it.

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