Hey guys,

I am using cake 2.0 alpha. (I don't know why I chose this for
something I needed to work consistently, but I haven't had any trouble
until now.). I didn't make any changes to my database or code in the
last day, and am suddently getting this error.

Could not describe table for SimilarDebater

Error: An Internal Error Has Occurred.

With a stack trace of:

#0 /home/fantas53/public_html/ranking_systems/round_parser/lib/Cake/
Model/Model.php(989): Mysql->describe(Object(SimilarDebater), false)
#1 /home/fantas53/public_html/ranking_systems/round_parser/lib/Cake/
Model/Model.php(1160): Model->schema()
#2 /home/fantas53/public_html/ranking_systems/round_parser/app/
controllers/statistics_controller.php(410): Model->create()
#3 /home/fantas53/public_html/ranking_systems/round_parser/app/
controllers/statistics_controller.php(389): StatisticsController-
#4 /home/fantas53/public_html/ranking_systems/round_parser/lib/Cake/
Routing/Dispatcher.php(151): StatisticsController-
#5 /home/fantas53/public_html/ranking_systems/round_parser/lib/Cake/
Routing/Dispatcher.php(102): Dispatcher->_invoke(Array, Array)
#6 /home/fantas53/public_html/ranking_systems/round_parser/app/webroot/
index.php(80): Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(StatisticsController),
#7 {main}

Obviously, there is something wrong with the creation of a new object,
but I can't figure out for the life of me why the describe query is
failing. I have manually described the table in question with no

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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