Too funny how "someone" changes the subject line to make me look like a fool
yet said no one said anything else? H,mmmm maybe im right? Yes im on Meth
you asked me out last week you fool and so did PHP nut Master so you guys
want an open forum for discussions and not 1 of you has anything to say,
just ridicule. Show me a million dollar site built with Cake and I will shut
my mouth. Do it I dare you show your shit show what Cake can do. Drupal Zend
even Wordpres  have real showcases of sites Cake we have 3 year old Miss
Universe, Copify (firebug out the reg fields you get a free account by the
way) so Power on people I'm full of shit right! Speak up mouth show some
sites ohh I dev Cake I love it lets see some work...funny how no one does!
Wonder why? No manhood? Nothing to say PHP Nut Master I got your emails lets
see how cool you look want to do what to me?  Lets ban me..ok
commy don't like what I say shoot speech bitches!




From: [] On Behalf
Of Angel Robert Marquez
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: Se Ya Cake..bake a dick cake frosting on your


Virtual squeeze KM. It'll be OK. 


I will miss your scheduled seo optimized question strategy. 


On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 12:33 AM, Matthew Kaufman <>

LOL, Your subject line is ridiculous...


On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 3:32 AM, Matthew Kaufman <> wrote:



On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 3:30 AM, Raisen <> wrote:

Why are you comparing Cake to Drupal? Shouldn't you be comparing Cake to
Django? Or Ruby on Rails? I don't see the point in your troll at all. Maybe
you should had posted your message in the Joomla group. 

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