There has been some talk on the list about the kinds of editors people use for cakePHP development. Some people have mentioned Eclipse (among others) for a good all round IDE. I personally have been using both 'kate' and 'Quanta' (built on top of kate) for my cakePHP development and while I have no real complaints, these would probably fall in the category of Editors rather than IDE's. So, in my continuing quest to become ever more efficient, and taking into account that there was a mention of EasyEclipse, I've decided to give it a shot and see what advantages an IDE like Eclipse has to offer. One other reason for going with Eclipse over others is the fact that it's open source.
However, I'm pretty much a total noob at Eclipse and although the nice people over at EasyEclipse have made it easier to get you up and running, managing cake projects is not as obvious as it would first seem.

Some of the things I'd like to get out of eclipse are:
(1) Integration with the cakePHP test suite
    - At present it works with SimpleTest but how would the cakePHP version sit with it?

(2) Integration with subversion

(3) Integration with the cakePHP itself

The first thing that struck me was where to start a workspace and where to start a project?

Presently I'm using the trunk core checkout from the subversion repository and so my directory structure is:


I thought this way I could keep all my cake projects within the same workspace. So I defined my workspace as '/var/www/workspace' hoping to create a project in 'cake/1.x.x.x/project_name'.
This gives me the error:
'Project contents cannot be inside workspace directory'

From talking to the guys over on the EasyEclipse IRC channel I've discovered that this kind of layout will not be possible till the soon to be released 1.2 version.

However, since others here are already using Eclipse it makes me think that perhaps I'm going about it the wrong way altogether. Talking to our own guys on the #cakephp IRC channel I've found two alternatives.

(1) Put the entire cake core in a project of it's own, so you would have '/var/www/workspace/project1'. The 'project1' directory would contain the entire cake framework and of course your 'app' directory. However, if I wanted to create a second cakePHP project I would have to make 'project1' which would also contain the entire framework and would not allow me to share my cakePHP core across multiple projects.

(2)  Edit app/webroot/index.php and move the cake core to the root of the workspace. So I'd have '/projects/cake', '/projects/app1', and '/projects/app2'. In order to deploy this to the server I'd have to either use the same directory structure on the server, or use a second branch for the live application.

Another thing that struck me was using subversion with eclipse. Usually, when using svn you import your new project, delete the old one and check a working copy out from the repository. So with Eclipse, I create a project (which creates the '.project' file), maybe bake or copy in my 'app' directory, check it into the repo, delete the whole lot and then check a wc out of the repo again. This seems like and awful waste to me. How do you do it?
To all Eclipse users out there:
    How do you have your Eclipse setup working with cakePHP? Have you integrated the test suite? How do you handle Subversion?

As I'm new to Eclipse, I'm sure there are tons of stuff I'm missing here. If you point me in the right direction of even one of them I'd be very greatfull.



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