Hi Guys,

I'm Cake fan since 2006 and excited about the coming 2.0, but I have
to say this "CLASSIC trolling" means something.

I mean thats true there is no CakePHP jobs posted.
That's true there is not the latest cake sites are listed in the "just
baked" box on cakephp.org.
And also true the drupal (and ror, zend, ) much more popular than cake:

Only we (cake community) can change on these:
1. The framework getting better so more developer will like it, but it
still can not be part of the enterprise targets until:
      - there is no developing platform behind that ... I hate saying
that but I'm still developing in textmate rather than "cakeified"
Eclipse or "CloudIDE" (Zend has)
      - there is no centralised Certification System just like Zend
has. (does the community need it?)
2. Why we don't send our last built site to the cake community as
"just baked" (should we?). Actually I don't do that, so who could able
to say that million $$$$$$ site is written in cake or not?
3. If that is the tendency, then why we don't publish a very easy
configurable/usable off-self CMS/shop/anything? I'm sure you are also
done some nice idea in cake, not just me. Worth to share?

What do you think? This "seo optimized question strategy" is helps or
just damage prestige of cake?

Please let me know if you agree or disagree with me or you have any comment.


ps: sorry about my english

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, rchavik <rcha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> His style is writing is different compared to previous postings.  Perhaps
> his account was compromised
> --
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