Why do you need to disable logging?

Logging is handled through a PHP function, not Cake. Cake just defines
the handler.

On Sep 21, 9:40 am, Hugo M <ham1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried to disable debug.log and error.log logging but I couldn't. I've
> tried putting debug in 0 and log in 0 in core.php but that didn't work. I've
> tried this:
> class CakeLog {
> /**
>  * Writes given message to a log file in the logs directory.
>  *
>  * @param string $type Type of log, becomes part of the log's filename
>  * @param string $msg  Message to log
>  * @return boolean Success
>  * @access public
>  * @static
>  */
> function write($type, $msg) {
> *                //Added by me*
> *                if (Configure::read('log') == 0)*
> *                    return;*
> if (!defined('LOG_ERROR')) {
>  define('LOG_ERROR', 2);}
> if (!defined('LOG_ERR')) {
>  define('LOG_ERR', LOG_ERROR);
> }
> But that didn't work either! Even putting a return in debugger.php didn't
> work :D
> Help?

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