Still stuck on this.

Whats odd is it is sending duplicates to my work email, and another
pop type email - but if i set the to my gmail, just the one email.

Seems odd.  Must be a reason.


On Sep 14, 4:25 pm, "#2Will" <> wrote:
> Hello
> My little app is sending duplicates of itsemails.
> Here is an example function:
> [code]
> $this->log($media);
> App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
> $CakeEmail = new CakeEmail();
> $CakeEmail->viewVars(array('media'=>$media, 'person'=>$person));
> $CakeEmail->from(Configure::read(''));
> $CakeEmail->to ( $person['email'] );
> $CakeEmail->subject('New File Notification from  ' .
> Configure::read(''));
> $CakeEmail->template('media_add', 'default');
> $CakeEmail->emailFormat('text');
> $CakeEmail->send();
> [/code]
> The code only runs once - verified by checking the logs for the $media
> dump - and that template isn't referenced anywhere else   - so it
> isn't redierecting off and sending again.
> What could it be?  I'm a bit stumped for ideas to debug it
> Thanks,
> Will
> oh, cake2.0 rc1

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