If your field is ModelName.zipcode the following should do the trick

$this->set('zipcodes', $this->ModelName->find('list', array(
  'fields'=>array('ModelName.zipcode', 'ModelName.zipcode')


HTH, Paul

On Sep 23, 8:25 am, mivogtGermanyLU <miv...@mivogt.net> wrote:
> Hi there, everyone.
> First at all I want to say thanks a lot for all help given to me so
> far.
> Meanwhile my first small project has left its alpha going to early
> beta status :)
> Todays question is somewhere between automagic form helper, find() and
> real sql code ...
> I would like to add some search form in my app - i.e. customer search.
> It woukd be qziet easy just to add a set of fields for name, surename
> and zipcode - but I would like to get it a bit more comfortable (I
> hope it is).
> Is there an easy way to autopopulate dropdown-fields like zipcode
> based on the database-data of table customers/clients with cake-
> functions or will I have to use some sql to retrieve the data with
> (only once per zipcode)?
> Thanks in advance
> Michael

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