Well technically wrong, I released 2.0 Beta a month ago.


Secondly, what version are you using? 1.9 or 2.0? As they are vastly

On Sep 30, 11:59 pm, WebbedIT <p...@webbedit.co.uk> wrote:
> MilesJ would be the best person, but not sure if he has much time to
> support it nowadays.
> It has not had an update since March 2010 so will probably need
> various changes to work in Cake 1.3 too.
> HTH, Paul.
> On Sep 30, 5:34 pm, WhyNotSmile <sharongilmor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've integrated the excellent Cupcake Forum into my CakePHP app, and
> > now I'd like to use CK editor for the posts, rather than BB Code.
> > I've searched online, but I can't find any way to do this.
> > I have integrated CK editor. and that's fine, but something in Cupcake
> > is stripping out the formatting before saving the content, so I end up
> > with just plain text.  Can anyone point me in the right direction for
> > preventing it from removing HTML?
> > Thanks!

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