Damn...i did it... i was playing with
$ajax->sortable('items',array('url' => '/items/order')) ... for example
I use firebug to catch the request -  the parameters are wrong... it
seems that they are not in UTF-8.

The ajax helper generates js that prints  ....
parameters:sortable.serialize('items') ....
Instead use sth. like :
<?= $ajax->sortable('items',array('onUpdate' => " function(t){new
Ajax.Request( '/items/order', {method:'post',
postBody:Sortable.serialize('items'), asynchronous:true})}"))?>

If you wish you can fix the ajaxhelper instead of writing that js every

And the function that catches that request :

function order(){
  $ids= $this->params['form']['items'];
  $i = 1;
  foreach($ids as $id){
    $this->Item->id = $id;
    $this->Item->saveField('position', $i++);

note: Your 'items' db table must have 'position' field
Hope i helped :)

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