If your model has an association with the other model that you want to
retrieve from, each time you do a find it will also retrieve any
associated data as well. You can read about it here:


You can also use App::import. For instance if you wanted to import a
User model so you could use it in a Tasks controller:

App::import('Model', 'User');
$userModel= new User();

ClassRegistry::init works as well.

On Oct 7, 12:53 am, SyNeto <erne...@sta-cruz.com.mx> wrote:
> Hi, im pretty new in cakephp, so feel free to correct me,
> I have read the phpcake blog tutorial, and i have some noobs questions
> about controllers.
> if i need a view to display information from more than one model, how
> can i achive this task?
> I have already read some information about elements in views and some
> information about the ClassRegistry::init, but i dont know if i am in
> the rigth path.
> tanks.
> Ernesto Jiménez Villseñor.
> PS. sorry about my english.

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