I dont agree with #2. Time should always be saved to the database as
UTC, and then on the front-end converted to the timezone.

The TimeHelper supports passing a timezone (e.g., -8) as a param and
formats accordingly.

On Oct 17, 6:13 am, David Kullmann <kullmann.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for emailing you directly - I meant to reply on this forum but
> hit the wrong button.
> You should follow these rules:
> 1. All times in the database should always be UTC
> 2. beforeSave and afterFind you should always convert the times to the
> users time zone
> 3. You should never have a time which is not accompanied by it's time
> zone. This is a little unrealistic to do unless you have a class that
> is available everywhere and stores the current time zone for you
> All of these things are built into the very light-weight 
> plugin:https://github.com/jamiemill/cakephp_localize_timewhich is what I use
> for my application.
> -DK
> On Oct 16, 5:11 pm, jovial <groverar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have added a timezone field on user sign up page.Now when a tutor
> > logins then he will fill his timezone and will also fill his
> > availability(timinings he will be available in a week)
> > Now there is a functionality of FINDING A TUTOR .Any 1 ho wishes to
> > search a tutor will enter start date start time end date end time.Now
> > how should I handle this task???what conditions am I supposed to
> > give...Any responses will be appreciated.Thanks In advance.

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