this is looking super buggy.  if i click around my site, one moment it
can find the model the next it can't.

eg: "Fatal error: Class 'CalendarAppModel' not found in /Users/
willbarker/Dropbox/tractor2/Tractor/Plugin/Calendar/Model/Event.php on
line 2"

on a page that 5 mins ago worked fine.

is there a way to look up where its looking for a model class?

On Oct 20, 1:36 pm, "#2Will" <> wrote:
> OK, its being ignored again.  Haven't changed the code in the plugin
> and have deleted the cache 18 times & even rebooted the machine.
> Does anybody have any clues whats going on here?
> w
> On Oct 18, 6:13 pm, "#2Will" <> wrote:
> > Oh.  Now it works.  But no idea why, so not so much a self rescue as a
> > drift to the river bank.
> > I cleared some caches for about the millionth time and hay presto, the
> > hasOne data shows up too.  must have accidentally lined everything up
> > at last.
> > ah well, on with the code.
> > On Oct 18, 6:05 pm, "#2Will" <> wrote:
> > > I upgraded to 2.0 today, which went quite smoothly, but i still have
> > > this problem
> > > the book says:  "You should get a “Missing Model” error"  but i don't
> > > at all.
> > > Looking in the included file list in debugkit - it is including the
> > > controller files for the plugin, but not the model.  I think its just
> > > using the automagic model creation on the fly. (at least i think cake
> > > does that)
> > > On Oct 17, 4:53 pm, "#2Will" <> wrote:
> > > > Hello
> > > > I'm trying to make a calendar plugin for 1.3.  Its sort of working,
> > > > but the Event model definition is being ignored and so its
> > > > relationship to other models (in the main app) are not working.
> > > > I guess im putting it in the wrong place, but ive gone round and round
> > > > and round in circles and its not getting better.
> > > > /app/plugins/calendar/models/event.php
> > > > <?php
> > > > class Event extends CalendarAppModel {
> > > >         var $name = 'Event';
> > > > etc
> > > > /app/plugins/calendar/controllers/events_controller.php
> > > > <?php
> > > > class EventsController extends CalendarAppController {
> > > >         var $uses = array('Calendar.Event');
> > > > etc.
> > > > As far as i can see that should work.  Any suggestions why it isn't or
> > > > how to work out why it isn't working very much appreciated.  Stumped.
> > > > will

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