Hi all,
so we have cakephp 2 released, with special thanks to cake's developer
team, but besides some new questions and challenges arises. I'm
actually experimenting with cake 2 to become familiar enough to move
my old projects to it and I came to a situation that relates, at least
I think so, to new Auth component in version 2. So I have an
authentication setup with a common user table and have a authorization
object which does some more complex job to give access permission to
logged in users or not. it works great when it comes to not logged in
users, there they are sent to login page. the problem is that when a
logged in use goes to a url that does not have enough right to access
it. in that case he is redirected to login page, and as he is already
signed in, will be redirected to start page (my default after login
page). But it is not what I want. I mean there should be a way to
differ between not logged in users and the users that does not have
permission, to the latter group I want to show another message, not
just redirect an unknown page with no logical reason.
so did I miss any point in how can it be done? or there is no such

Mohammad Naghavi

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