I debugged the MailTransport.php in the core and then debugged php's
mail function. Turns out it was giving an error for smtp server. I
changed my php.ini to reflect my isp and all works well now. I'll
leave the original post in case anyone else has this problem and can't
figure out why because cake only returns a 500 error.

On Oct 23, 10:33 pm, fly2279 <kennethf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to use the new CakeEmail class in cakephp
> 2.0. I've used the cookbook to configure everything and just try to
> send a simple test email but I keep getting an internal server error.
> Here's the code I'm using to send a basic email:
> $email = new CakeEmail();
> debug($email->from('kennethf...@gmail.com')->to('kennethf...@gmail.com')->subject('Welcome')->send('Hello!
>  This is
> my message to the new user.'));
> All I seem to be able to get is an internal server error with the
> following stack trace:
> #0 C:\xampp\cake-2.0\lib\Cake\Network\Email\CakeEmail.php(959):
> MailTransport->send(Object(CakeEmail))
> #1 C:\xampp\cakeapps\app\Controller\UsersController.php(222):
> CakeEmail->send('Hello! This is ...')
> #2 [internal function]: UsersController->admin_email()
> #3 C:\xampp\cake-2.0\lib\Cake\Controller\Controller.php(473):
> ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(UsersController), Array)
> #4 C:\xampp\cake-2.0\lib\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php(107): 
> Controller->invokeAction(Object(CakeRequest))
> #5 C:\xampp\cake-2.0\lib\Cake\Routing\Dispatcher.php(89): 
> Dispatcher->_invoke(Object(UsersController), Object(CakeRequest),
> Object(CakeResponse))
> #6 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(99): Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(CakeRequest), 
> Object(CakeResponse))
> #7 {main}
> What am I doing wrong?

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