On Oct 28, 12:37 pm, "Constantin.FF" <constantin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Probably this could work but will be almost impossible to calculate
> the step for moveDown

_WHY_ would you need to calculate that? The suspicion arises that you
aren't reading much of what I write.

>  of each post also in this action are involved
> parents and children so in the $newSort each post is as post_id =>
> order number. So if I do it like you suggested, first I will have to
> separate posts with same parent_id and then to moveDown each of them.

Well I don't know what your interface is, but whatever it is the code
you're writing, and the extra sort field, is not necessary to achieve
what you're doing. Visually I'd implement what you're doing as 1) move
everything on the screen 2) click the save button. It's not that hard.

You might also just want to use a materialized path (add a field
called position, store 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 in it and sort by this
whenever you render your data). But I kind of give up trying to
explain how to use the tree behavior... have fun.


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