Hello All,

I'm getting a weird error here, see I have the following find

$cond1 = $this->Company->find('all',
                                                     'conditions' =>
array('Company.Departement_dactivite_limitrophes' => $department),
                                                     'fields' => $fields

$fields is an array with the field names, and $department comes from
user info

when it runs I get the following error:

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Field 'Company' unknown in WHERE
clause [CORE / cake / libs / model / datasources / dbo_source.php,
line 684]

and the related generated query is:

Query: SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `companies` AS `Company`
WHERE Company IN ([loads of fields]) AND Company IN ([loads of correct
values]) AND Company IN... and so on for the rest of the search

Query: SELECT `Company`.`id`, `Company`.`nom_raison_sociale`,
`Company`.`label`, `Company`.`type_de_prestataire`,
`Company`.`code_postale`, `Company`.`email` FROM `companies` AS
`Company`   WHERE Company IN ([loads of values]) AND Company IN ...
and so on for the rest of the search resutls

according to the stack trace, this error comes from the paginate
function, where I send data like this:

$data_table = $this->paginate($cond1);

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