Wooooh there Arti, please consider that this is a free community
driven group where no-one is obliged to help you and certainly not to
sit waiting for your questions and answer them in under 2 hours.

Also consider that your question is in no way CakePHP related, as you
have been told twice in your other thread:

This is fairly low level javascript, so I suggest you go find a
javascript framework that suits your needs (I use jQuery) and follow
some documentation to learn how to use that framework to find your way
around the DOM and use events/listeners.  People will help you in
community groups if you show you are trying to help yourself, they
certainly are less likely to help you if you demand they do the work
for you!

HTH, Paul

On Oct 30, 4:48 pm, AD7six <andydawso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Oct 30, 9:05 am, arti grover <groverar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Why MY POSTS Are not considered..i really need help..regarding this..plz
> > moderator help!!!
> Patience Arti - you're going to burst something.
> Expecting your posts to be moderated in less than 2 hours, on a Sunday
> morning/Saturday night is a bit UNREASONABLE.
> AD

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