Bummer.  Prepared statements are a huge factor in increasing
performance of your application (in terms of database performance).

I guess this could open up a larger can of worms, but couldn't
standardizing on PEAR or ADODB, both of which support prepared
statements lead to this being support framework wide (i.e. and dropping
the vendor specific drives under model/dbo)?  I.e. code all of your
internal SQL calls (Model::query, all the scaffolding code) to use the
prepared statement methods of either one of those.  They transparently
handle if the underlying RDBMS supports prepared statements or not
(which most do these days), so it would be no extra code on your end.

I guess I don't personally see the benefit of not standarding on PEAR
or ADODB...(doesn't mean I am right, I just don't see it :)   )

On Nov 13, 10:40 am, "nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Things like bind parameters and prepared statements are driver-level
> optimizations, which aren't super high priorities; but if you can
> implement them consistently across all drivers, or transparently in
> one, we're all for it.
> If you'd like to submit an optimization patch for a particular driver,
> we'd certainly look at implementing it.

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