On Saturday, 19 November 2011 05:21:18 UTC+1, danswater wrote:
> Hi guys, i downloaded cakephp 1.3 and follow the CakePHP 1.3 App Dev
> CookBook on creating an application with authentication.
> I create the AppController class and set the $components in this
> following settings:
> public $components = array(
> 'Auth' => array(
> 'authorize' => 'controller',
> 'autoRedirect' => false,
> 'loginRedirect' => array(
> 'admin' => false,
> 'controller' => 'users',
> 'action' => 'dashboard'
> ),
> 'loginError' => 'Invalid account specified',
> 'authErro' => 'You don\'t have the right permission'
> ),
> 'Cookie',
> 'Session'
> );
> my problem is the loginError. Evertime i successfully logged in to the
> application, loginError still shows.
> can you guys help me? thanks..
Do you get no error message when you login with username+password, and only 
see that error message when you login with email+password?

Show some code in your answer please.


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