I did that for while - after upgrading the application
jesus christ. I can tell you.
I would have gotten hundreds of mails per second

With session token (and one email per session every HOUR)
it went down to "a lot" ;)

Anyway - the thing is, that a browser opens invalid urls all the time
especially InternetExplorer, especially with some bogus and rotten
(including some Antivirus Utility).
So even if you just log them away, there are quite a lot of entries to

so if you do that, you should restrict the logging to session (as
above) and even better
to a valid logged in user. this is better than letting all bots of
this world create mail traffic for you.
that works for me in in upgrading phases and reports back to be in
real time.
most times it is a click then which will have a valid referer you can
work with.

for the referer you can use

         * get the current referer
         * @param bool $full (defaults to false and leaves the url untouched)
         * @return string $referer (local or foreign)
         * 2011-11-02 ms
        public static function getReferer($full = false) {
                $ref = env('HTTP_REFERER');
                $forwarded = env('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST');
                if ($forwarded) {
                        $ref = $forwarded;
                if (empty($ref)) {
                        return $ref;
                if ($full) {
                        $ref = Router::url($full);
                return $res;

On 22 Nov., 11:54, AD7six <andydawso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 22 November 2011 11:45:42 UTC+1, heohni wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I using this app_error handler:
> > <?php
> > class AppError extends ErrorHandler{
> >     function __construct($method, $messages) {
> >         Configure::write('debug', 2);
> >         parent::__construct($method, $messages);
> >     }
> >     function _outputMessage($template) {
> >         $this->controller->render($template);
> >         $this->controller->afterFilter();
> >         App::import('Core', 'Email');
> >         $email = new EmailComponent;
> >         $email->from = 'CakePHP <cakep...@xxxxxxx.de<>';
> >         $email->to = 'Developer <m...@mail.de>';
> >         $email->sendAs = 'html';
> >         $email->subject = 'Error!';
> >         $email->send($this->controller->output);
> >         $this->controller->output = null;
> >         $this->controller->render('error404');
> >         echo $this->controller->output;
> >     }
> > }
> > ?>
> > How can I also send the referer in order to see what link the user
> > used to get to this 404 error page?
> > Any ideas?
> How about: By including it in the message?
> I think you'll find emailing someone every time there's a 404 will just
> drown their email whenever a problem occurs.
> AD

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