Here you are:

On Nov 22, 10:23 am, Jordy van Kuijk <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to add a "remember me" checkbox into my login form.
> When users check the box, they log in and a cookie ('Auth.User') is
> stored, with 'email' and 'password' fields (this works).
> Now in my AppController, I want to see if users can log back in using
> their cookie.
> I have the following code:
> //inside AppController.php
> public function beforeFilter(){
>   $cookie = $this->Cookie->read('Auth.User');
>   if (is_array($cookie) && !$this->Auth->user())
>         {
>                 $this->Auth->login($cookie);
>                 debug($this->Auth->user());
>         }
> }
> The debug shows me that the user object in Auth contains the email
> address and password.
> Is there a way to load all of the additional data into the user object
> (like firstname, lastname, etc...)?
> My UsersController contains the following login function:
> public function login(){
>                 $this->autoRender = false;
>                 if($this->request->is('post')){
>                         if($this->Auth->login()){
>                                 //see if the remember me cookie has to be set
>                                 if(!empty($this->request->data) && 
> $this->request->data['User']
> ['remember_me']){
>                                         $cookie = array();
>                         $cookie['email'] = $this->data['User']['email'];
>                         $cookie['password'] = $this->data['User']['password'];
>                         $this->Cookie->write('Auth.User', $cookie, true, '+2
> weeks');
>                         return $this->redirect('../index');
>                                 }
>                                 else{
>                                         //we logged in, but the user does not 
> want to have a cookie.
>                                         return $this->redirect('../index');
>                                 }
>                         }
>                         else {
>                                 //we tried to log in the user but it failed
> $this->Session->setFlash($this->Auth->authError);
>                                 return $this->redirect('../index');
>                         }
>                 }
>                 if(empty($this->request->data)){
>                         $cookie = $this->Cookie->read('Auth.User');
>                         if(!is_null($cookie)){
>                                 echo('we found cookie, now trying to log you 
> in with it');
>                                 if($this->Auth->login($cookie)){
> $this->Session->delete('Message.auth');
>                                         //return $this->redirect('../feed');
>                                 } else{
>                                         //invalid cookie
>                                   $this->Cookie->del('Auth.User');
>                                 }
>                         }
>                         else{
>                                 //users accesses this page without a cookie
>                                 return $this->redirect('../index');
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> Please note that I am very new to CakePHP.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jordy

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