Hi folks,
I'm almost done with my 1st cakephp site and it's looking good, but
could look better with a bit of javascript dynamically changing my
Here's my code;

                        {value: "12" });

class AccountsController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Accounts';
        var $helpers = array('Js' => array('prototype', 'scriptaculous.js?
load=effects'), 'Ajax', 'Form', 'Html');
        public $components = array('RequestHandler');


        function manualpayment()


                if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax())
                        $players = $this->Account->Player->find('list');
                        $this->set(compact('players', 'events'));

                        echo $this->render('/accounts/manualpayment', 'ajax');
       CakeLog::write('debug', "isAjax is true");

I'm trying to handle the ajax request in function manualpayment(). The
request does reach here as I can see the 'isAjax is true' in the debug
log. However, I don't get the a new view rendered, in fact, the call
to render appears to have no effect. I've stored the output from the
render call in the debug log and it contains a bunch of HTML.

I've done plenty of digging into other articles about AJAX and cakephp
and the majority of the problems appear to be getting duplicate HTML
into the view, my problem is the opposite, nothing appears to change!

EDIT: Just checked firebug and it looks like there is a duplicate set
of view data returning to the browser, but it's still not being drawn
on the browser (either firefox or IE)

Hopefully someone out there can help. I'm pulling my hair out!



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