Thx Leigh,
After a few days starring into this problem i finally nailed it down
after comparing different aspects between local server and online
one.It looks like the problem was endeed in viewPath!
using this tut.
and going with the first phrase form here

my original piece of code was:if($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) {  
          $this->viewPath = 'elements';             $this-
>render('paging');                  }
and it was looking for the file: /home/independ/public_html/film/app/
View/elements/paging.ctp , but using the default cakephp folder
structure, my pagination .ctp file was laying in the /app/View/
Elements/ folder (notice the big E on "Elements")
i thought that cakephp would look for the file in this folder, like
the controller looks automatically in the ../View/Movies for the
MoviesController, but instead it was looking for the "elements" folder
(and because "Elements" is different from "elements" on *nix sytems of
course it would not work)
the fix was to just modify $this->viewPath = 'Elements'; and for the
future to specify THE EXACT location of the file!
Thanks again,Petrisor

On Nov 25, 9:31 am, leigh <> wrote:
> Hello Petrisor,
> Check $this->viewPath and $this->view in your controller on the ajax
> request to see if they're pointing to  a view file that exists.
> Also are you using cake 2.0?
> Kind regards,
> Leigh
> On Nov 24, 7:08 pm, Petrisor Buga <> wrote:
> > Hy, i've developed a project locally using MAMP on a mac, after i
> > moved it online the links generated automatically by cakephp are not
> > working anymore, more precisely i get "500 internal server error" on
> > the ajax-get request and on the response i get:
> > Error: The view for MoviesController::index() was not found.
> > Error: Confirm you have created the file: /home/independ/public_html/
> > film/app/View/elements/paging.ctp
> > but the files are there and working, if i comment/remove the 
> > $this->Js->writeBuffer(); line (and also remove the ajax functionality) the
> > links are working ok.
> > i'm guessing it's something related to .htaccess files or file
> > permissions somehow but i can't seem to figure them out!
> > i tried on 3 different servers a vps, a sharedhost (this is the one
> > that needs to work), a linux box and on all it acts the same, only on
> > my mac works :|.
> > i have also done another basic cakephp application starting from
> > scratch that has ajax pagination and no success either :( works
> > locally but not online.
> > Thanks for taking time reading my problem!

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