
how is the test case set up? Well, I call it several times by clicking
on the link in the view.  I don't know if this answers your

Anyway, I tried to get a Session ID, but this doesn't return a value:

function testsession() {
      if ($scounter = $this->Session->read('scounter')) {
      } else {
          $scounter = 1;
      $this->Session->write('scounter', $scounter);
      $this->set('scounter', $scounter);

      $this->log('SessionID: ' . $this->Session->id());      // no
SessionID is outputed...

On Nov 27, 1:57 pm, euromark <dereurom...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> you can simplify the condition to
> if ($scounter = $this->Session->read('scounter')) {}
> but besides that
> how is the test case set up?
> because it is possible that it resets itself after each run
> therefore the session would always be emptied afterwards...
> On 27 Nov., 11:38, ava <avon...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I'm struggling with sessions in cakephp 2.0.3.
> > In this testcase the counter should be incremented with each click on
> > the link.  The counter always remains 1.
> > <?php
> > class Test01sController extends AppController {
> >    public $components = array('Session');
> >    function testsession() {
> >       $scounter = 1;
> >       if ($this->Session->check('scounter')) {
> >           $scounter = $this->Session->read('scounter');
> >           $scounter++;
> >       }
> >       $this->Session->write('scounter', $scounter);
> >       $this->set('scounter', $scounter);
> >     }
> > }
> > //MODEL
> > <?php
> > class Test01 extends AppModel {
> >    var $name = 'Test01';
> >    var $useTable = false;}
> > ?>
> > // VIEW
> > <?php
> > echo $scounter;
> > ?>
> > <br/><a href="/test01s/testsession">testsession</a>
> > // CORE
> > Configure::write('Session', array(
> >     'defaults' => 'php',
> >     'cookie' => 'vportal',
> >     'ini' => array('session.gc_divisor' =>
> > 1000,'session.cookie_httponly' => true),
> >     'timeout' => 4320  //3 days
> > ));
> > I also dumped the $_SESSION array. This array is always empty.
> > Any help or hints are appreciated.
> > -- Andre

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