When I change it to period_id the entire select box disappears.

See how in the source code, it populates the correct information, but
when it submits, the "option value" doesn't get sent to the correct
field. It actually doesn't get sent anywhere. After submit, my table
has a new entry that looks like:

user:_id:14 (the correct user)

On Nov 30, 3:39 pm, euromark <dereurom...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I guess you made a mistake in your form
> why is it not echo $this->Form->input('period_id');
> (note the _id)?
> tip:
> let cake bake your code. this way less mistakes can be made and such
> as above easily be avoided
> On 1 Dez., 00:09, GG <jairusk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The form is successfully adding a new entry to the table, the user_id
> > is correct, however, the period_id is being stored as 0. They are both
> > int(11).
> > Problem:::: I need to tell cake to: store the value of the option
> > being sent into the period_id column.
> > Solution::::?????? Thanks for your help!
> > Here is my database
> > name:students
> > field1:period_id
> > field2:user_id
> > Here is my StudentsController.php
> >  public function add() {
> >     if ($this->request->is('post')) {
> >         $this->request->data['Student']['user_id'] = 
> > $this->Auth->user('id');
> >         if ($this->Student->save($this->request->data)) {
> >             $this->Session->setFlash('Class successfully added.');
> >             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
> >         }
> >     }
> >     $periods = $this->Period->find('list');
> >     $this->set(compact('periods'));
> > }
> > Here is my add.ctp View
> > echo $this->Form->create('Student');
> > echo $this->Form->input('period');
> > echo $this->Form->end('Add Class');
> > Here is the source code from Students/add
> > <div class="input select"><label for="StudentPeriod">Period</label>
> > <select name="data[Student][period]" id="StudentPeriod">
> > <option value="57">Class 1</option>
> > <option value="56">Class 2</option>
> > <option value="52">Class 3</option>
> > <option value="51">Class 4</option>
> > <option value="59">Class 5</option>
> > </select>
> > </div>

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