Since the introduction of "cake" as domain for many common framework
translations, the translations from the default.po are not used
anymore. Leaving the strings untranslated, of course.

I imagine once translated a cake.po file does not change that often
Are there any plans for a central location where the translations for
different languages are collected and published?

Woudn't it make sense to have a resource location for those files as a
"drop in" base translation file? Developers from every country could
provide their help.
Similar to other frameworks, cms etc (e.g.

Or it could just be managed as a standalone github rep (similar to the
bakery or datasources).
Isn't there already a localization plugin? Maybe it could also hold
those files?

Maybe it could even be added to the core (in /Console/Templates/i18n/)
and on baking a new project could be placed into the app locale folder
if desired? or manually copied, of course :)

Just some ideas to think about.

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