Good evening,

Rookie developer, in MVC for 6 months, CakePHP for about 1.  My
current tests with Cake can be seen at:

I am experiencing an issue on the drill down.  I paste everything into
a text doc so I could do a line by line but the issue is eluding me.

I can successfully see all items of my table.  I can click the link
and go from index.ctp to view.ctp.  My id passes successfully.  No db
data shows on view.ctp, but there are no errors.  The test var in item
2 below displays.  I cast $id as an (int) and did a gettype to test,
and it came back as an int.  Still no luck?  I am assuming I am
missing something quite simple, but after three hours of looking at
this I obviously do not know what I am looking at.

1. app/Model/Item.php

  class Item extends AppModel {
    public $name = 'Item';

2. app/Controller/ItemsController.ctp contains the following (index()
works like a champ):
  public function view($id = null) {
    $this->Item->ItemKey1 = $id;
    $this->set('item', $this->Item->read());
    $this->set('testvar', 'it is set');

  index successfully executes find('all');

3. app/View/Items/view.ctp  contains the line: echo $item['Item']
['DBField']; and echo $testvar;

  a. index.ctp does the following: <?php echo $this->Html-
>link($item['Item']['ItemDescription'], array('controller' => 'Items',
'action' => 'view', $item['Item']['ItemKey1']) ); ?>
    the link works and I go to the correct page, I do a view source
and everything is there minus any data from the db.  I've tried
changing item names to upper case, adding an 's', but each changes
throws an error.  I thought the issue was the id coming in as a string
so I cast to an int, still no dice.


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