Yeah, pay attention to what was shown above your reply - you are
setting the facebook helper's name to be the key of the array but the
code above your reply is very clearly not setting the key to the
helpers name but using a normal numeric index.

On Dec 9, 2:52 am, Toby G <> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, & yes, sorry, it is v1.3.
> This is what I'd done...
>     $this->controller->helpers['Facebook.Facebook'] = array(
>       #'config' => $this->config,
>     );
> ... but I am getting an error in my layout where I include...
> $this->Facebook->init();
> The error is "Undefined property: View::$Facebook".
> Any ideas why this might be happening?
> T
> On Dec 9, 9:23 am, euromark <> wrote:
> > you should always mention the current cakephp version
> > I am assuming however that you use 1.3 (due to App::import)
> > yes, you can. quite easily as a matter of fact.
> > inside your component, all you have to do:
> > $this->controller->helpers[] = 'MyPluginName.MyHelperName';
> > or
> > $controller->helpers[] = 'MyPluginName.MyHelperName';
> > (depending on where you are)
> > dont pass the helpers in this set. bad idea :)
> > On 9 Dez., 00:51, Toby G <> wrote:
> > > Hi there,
> > > I've been attempting to get a plugin component auto-load the plugin's
> > > helper file.  I have added it to the controller's helper array, but
> > > it's not loading the helper into view (under $this->Helper), so I
> > > think that the helpers have already been loaded prior to me adding the
> > > plugin helper to the array.
> > > Is there any way of doing this safely?  I did think I could
> > > App::import the helper in the plugin & then pass it using 
> > > $this->controller->set(), but it feels like too much of a hack, & does not
> > > conform to naming conventions.
> > > Any help welcome.
> > > Thanks,
> > > T

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