
On Dec 10, 1:54 pm, RhythmicDevil <rhythmicde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been going around and around with this this morning trying to
> sort out the correct syntax for an $or containing multiple $regex
> So in RockMongo I use this:
> {
> "$or" : [
>         {"ingredient" : {"$regex" : /^aru/i}},
>         {"ingredient" : {"$regex" : /^bro/i}},
>         ]
> }
> It returns two items from my DB
> However I cannot figure out the correct syntax to use to accomplish
> the same thing using Cake's MongoDB datasource. The method below only
> returns an item that matches on the last item in the $conditions
> array.
>     public function test()
>     {
>          //'Ingredient.ingredient'
>         $conditions = array();
>         $conditions[] = array('Ingredient.ingredient' =>
> array('$regex' => new MongoRegex('/^arug/i')));
>         $conditions[] = array('Ingredient.ingredient' =>
> array('$regex' => new MongoRegex('/^bro/i')));
>         $query = array(
>             'limit' => 15,
>             'order' => array(
>                 'Ingredient.ingredient' => 'asc',
>                 'Ingredient.type' => 'asc'),
>             'conditions' => array('$or' => $conditions)
>         );
>         var_dump($query);
>         $ingredients = $this->Ingredient->find('all', $query);
>         var_dump($ingredients);
>         exit();
>     }
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks

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