Hello Matteo,

It's not supported because of PHP and if you wrap them you can
override them.  If you want to get full stubbing/mocking of functions
use https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-test-helpers I've not
used it yet. Google testing file uploads with phpUnit or simpleTest
will bring up solutions, It would be good to have a section on the
manual which says best practice.

Hi Miles,

Instead of returning true Matteo could replace them with other
functions that allow you to mimic it. This is making the assumption
that he sets up a real file in his test maybe in the before setup and
then delete it in the teardown.

 function isUploadedFile($filename) {
   return file_exists($filename);
protected function MoveUploadedFile($filename, $destination) {
   return copy($filename,  $destination);

On Dec 12, 1:35 pm, Miles J <mileswjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That doesn't actually test if files are uploaded and image
> transformations worked.
> On Dec 12, 7:12 am, Matteo Landi <mat...@matteolandi.net> wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 4:46 AM, leigh <phpnote...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Matteo,
> > > Wrap move_uploaded_file and is_uploaded_file inside the controller
> > > function moveUploadedFIle($filename, $destination) {
> > >  return move_uploaded_file($filename, $destination);
> > > }
> > > function moveUploadedFIle($filename, $destination) {
> > >  return is_uploaded_file($filename, $destination);
> > > }
> > > Then inside your testController override them.
> > > class TestPostsController extends postsController {
> > >  protected function isUploadedFile($filename) {
> > >   return true;
> > >  }
> > >  protected function moveUploadedFile($filename, $destination) {
> > >   return true;
> > >  }
> > You are assuming that my controllers tests extend controllers and not,
> > as usual, CakeControllerTest. However, do I really need to do
> > something similar to test image uploading? Is this supported or not?
> > Matteo
> > --http://www.matteolandi.net/

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