Hi again,

Here's what I found out. Looking at the main Controller class in lib/
Cake/Controller, the phpdoc for the method paginate() says:

@deprecated Use PaginatorComponent instead

So, I changed my code to read:

$this->Paginator->settings = array(
    'recursive' => 0,
    'conditions' => array('Article.reporter_id' => 1)

$this->set('articles', $this->Paginator->paginate());

And now everything is working fine.

This is not mentioned in the documentation! Here:


It specifically recommends using the $paginate property and paginate()
method of the controller, but this does not work when setting
conditions and, as aforementioned, is deprecated. Moreover, the cake
baking process will generate controllers using the deprecated code.

Hope that info is helpful. Cheers,

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