I'm using cake1.2 and I've got a blob stored in my database. I'm
trying to display it using
I'm trying to get the requestHandler to set the correct header-type
for the request but every time I load the page I get the raw image
output in the view and the response header type shows as text/html in
firebug for the get '/images_files/show/10' request.
I've tried moving the output from the show action into the layout and
but it still doesn't seem to work.

    function show($id)
        Configure::write('debug', 0);

        $this->layout = 'pic';
        $this->autoRender = false;

        if ($image = $this->BlobFile->find('first', array('conditions'
=> array('images_id' => $id))))

                $this->set('blob', $image);


my pic layout is simply print $blob['ImageFile']['file_content'];

function beforeFilter()


        $this->RequestHandler->setContent('png', 'image/png');
        $this->RequestHandler->setContent('jpg', 'image/jpeg');
        $this->RequestHandler->setContent('jpeg', 'image/jpeg');


I've also tried calling requestHandler->respondAS(null); and even
tried creating my own component and extending the requestHandler.
I've been trying to tackle this bugger for the last 2 days in various
ways and I've even copied verbatim some of the samples from google but
they all use header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); in the layout and
that didn't seem to work for me either.

Any tips or insight on this would be great.

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