I have 3 tables


My Posts table has an id, title, body, created, user_id, category_id

1 | New Title | Some text here | 12/19/11 | 101 | 10
2 | Nwr Title | Something here | 12/19/11 | 105 | 15
3 | Agn Title | Body Text here | 12/19/11 | 110 | 20

My Followers table has a user_id, category_id

1 | 10
2 | 10
2 | 20
3 | 10
3 | 15
3 | 20

My Users table has id, username, password, email

101 | User1 | password | us...@example.com
105 | User2 | password | us...@example.com
110 | User3 | password | us...@example.com

I am going to set up a cron job that will email every user the posts
from today, from the categories they're following. So I need something
like this:

For each post from today, email the users who are following that

Example: User 2 would get 2 emails. From both posts 1 & 3 because he
is following categories 10 & 20.... I've gotten close, but I cannot
get the syntax right for the code. Please help. Thanks!

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