A simple way could be checking if the user is logged in, like

public function beforeFilter() {
        if($this->Auth->user()) {
         $this->Auth->allow(array('index', 'frontindex'));

Il 02/01/2012 10:18, heohni ha scritto:

I have a page, where I want to display my blog posts by calling a
requestAction to a function called frontindex() function.
public function frontindex() {
         $all = $this->Post->find('all', array('order' =>  'created
         $this->set('posts', $all);
         return $all;
I am only displaying the headline and the body, nothing else.

To add new posts and to edit I want the admin to login.
After login, the admin should see the index(), with add(), edit() and
delete() function.

I wonder now, how to do this best.

In my posts controller I have this:
public function beforeFilter() {


After submitting the login form, I can never reach the index() I just
keep seeing the login form.
In my AppController I have:
public $components = array(
         'Auth' =>  array(
             'loginRedirect' =>  array('controller' =>  'posts', 'action'
=>  'index'),
             'logoutRedirect' =>  array('controller' =>  'pages',
'action' =>  'display', 'home'),
             'authorize' =>  array('Controller'),
             'authError' =>  'Bitte loggen Sie sich ein!'

It  only works, when I do this:
public function beforeFilter() {
         $this->Auth->allow(array('index', 'frontindex'));
Adding the index.
BUT then my index is open to the public.

I am totally lost in this, how the hell can I make it right?
Please give me some advice!

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