Hi! Could anybody give me a hint whats wrong?
I am trying to save two keyed model's records at once using saveAll(),
and MySQL gives me that error:
*** SQL Error: 1048: Column 'ip_id' cannot be null

I have main model called "Ip" that hasOne "Backbone" and "Backbone"
belongsTo "Ip" ... (It is very similar to User hasOne Profile example)

When I use saveAll and I look into SQL debug log, the TRANSACTION
starts ...
Ip record is inserted OK, but backbone NOT!!. because the foreign key
'ip_id' is null ... CAKE probably forgets to fetch last inserted ID ??

At the end all transaction is rolled back and nothing is created!

Any Idea whats wrong? is it a bug?

I use last stable cake core 1.3.14.

Thanks a lot

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